Major Outpatient Surgery (MOS) is a quirurgical assistance organizational model in which patients are discharged from the hospital on the same day of their surgeries. This avoids the need for an overnight stay and the occupation of a hospital bed. This procedure, which is becoming commonplace, aims at minimizing complications and returning patients to their own environment as soon as possible, all while the quality of the surgery remains the same. To this end, less invasive surgical techniques are used, together with anesthetic techniques that produce fewer side-effects. The result is a faster recovery time after the procedure, allowing patients to return to their daily routines sooner, with minimal alteration of their life rhythms.
Surgeries are classified as MOS when the following conditions are met:
There are many advantages to this model, the main highlight being the speed with which patients can return to their daily lives. This leads to a reduction in post-operative stress since recovery takes place at home, greatly increasing the comfort of patients. Furthermore, there is a reduction in the risk of hospital-acquired infection, resulting in an increase in safety.
Another significant fact is that patients don’t need to wait until there is a bed available for them at the hospital before they can get their surgery done, resulting in an increase in agility and flow of procedures. This prevents possible complications that can arise when surgeries are postponed, while at the same time reducing waiting lists.
It is also important to note that MOS is a cost-efective management model, since it enables the transversal reduction of costs associated with hospitalization, while the safety and quality of care is maintained for the patients.
Operations that can be performed as outpatient surgeries need to have a duration of under 90 minutes, must imply a low level of blood loss and must present mild post-surgery complications which are easy to resolve. Some common procedures are:
Post-surgery recovery continues at the patient’s home, and therefore they must feel safe and have sufficient knowledge of the relevant self-care procedures. In the context of MOS, home monitoring is essential in the evaluation of the clinical evolution of the patient until their eventual discharge, since it establishes a baseline for healthcare quality, which is deeply linked to assistential continuity.
For most MOS units, post-surgery followup consists of a single phone call that takes place 24-48 hours after the operation. These phone calls register the following variables: fever, pain, bleeding and/or suppuration of the wound, nausea and/or vomiting, tolerance to both liquid and solid food, spontaneous urination, general assessment of the patient’s condition, treatment compliance and difficulties with wound dressing and care.
Using Tucuvi for post-MOS followup enables healthcare practitioners to establish a personalized monitoring of all their patients after their surgeries, in a structured manner and with alert generation. This allows nursing teams to focus on the patients that require direct attention, subsequently optimizing their work flow.
It is therefore possible to control the clinical evolution of all patients, as well as modifying treatment for those whose parameters relevant to the procedure don’t evolve normally.
Among the many benefits that can be obtained from using Lola for patient followup, the most important are the assistential load reduction for professionals, while at the same time increasing and improving attention continuity and patient satisfaction. Furthermore, there is an increase in reassurance, security and accompaniment for patients.
The fact that protocols can be personalized, both in terms of symptoms and alerts, allows for the coverage of a large range of patient cases and provides a personalized attention. This is applicable both after as well as before the operation, in the case of patients that require specific pre-surgery preparation.
At Tucuvi we continue working to provide answers to the needs of the healthcare system, helping professionals plan caretaking in a more efficient and personalized way and improving assistential continuity at home.
Whether you want to scale your capacity of care, automate repetitive tasks, improve care team efficiency, or reduce relapses through early interventions, we have a solution for you.
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